
Below are a preview of all 10 tracks from the album 'Shadows' written for piano trio (Violin, Cello & Piano).

Launched in November 2013, recorded at Ty Cerdd Studio, Cardiff Bay and performed by:
James Grindle (Violin)
Jemma Wells (Cello)
Karyn Phelps (Piano)

Shadows is available to purchase from or from our

A film set to the music 'Butterfly' from the album Shadows by Dan Phelps
Film by Eirini Xyda-Kouka & Efi Chouliara
Music performed by Karyn Phelps
Clockwork Hiatus
A film set to the music 'Clockwork Hiatus' from the album Shadows by Dan Phelps
Film by Barbara Oberberger
Music performed by:
James Grindle - Violin
Jemma Wells - Cello
Karyn Phelps - Piano
A film set to the music 'Nocturne' from the album Shadows by Dan Phelps
Film by Larrikin productions
Music performed by:
James Grindle - Violin
Jemma Wells - Cello
Karyn Phelps - Piano
A film set to the music of 'Cascade' from the album Shadows by Dan Phelps
Film by Larrikin productions
Music performed by: Karyn Phelps
Rob Cowan, BBC Radio 3
"A pleasurable listening experience"
Keith Ames, The Musician magazine (MU members mag)
"Adventurous Pieces"